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Vivir en Sevilla
Promoción de Viviendas Colaborativas


Cerro del Águila is a popular neighborhood located to the south east of the capital, center of the Cerro Amate district, a small city within Seville. It is surrounded by new neighborhoods such as Ciudad Jardín to the northwest, Rochelambert, Amate and IES Diamantino García AcostaLa Plata to the north, Las Águilas and Su Eminencia to the east.

La Plata is a station on Line 1 of the Seville Metro (150m—2 minutes walk) located next to the Rochelambert sports center (600m—7 minutes walk). Next to it, Tussam line 25 stops.

In educational matters, the neighborhood has the IES Ciudad Jardín or the IES Diamantino García Acosta (40m—2 minutes walk); The neighborhood also has a private nursery school, Toribio de Velasco, several public schools, the Emilio Prados School or the Ortiz de Zúñiga School (on the Old Municipal Slaughterhouse), several subsidized schools, such as the Ruemy School or the Ruiz Elías School, among others.

As for green areas, there is the Music Park (100m—1 minute walk)

As services, we find the offices of the Cerro-Amate District and the municipal police (300m—4 minutes walk) or the Águilas Health Center (550m—7 minutes walk). We can also find the Las Águilas Day Center for seniors, the Hytasa Industrial Estate, as well as different shopping areas such as Alcampo, several supermarkets (Mercadona, Día, Lidl, etc.), several car dealerships or an El outlet store. English court.

The small traditional family business stands out in the neighborhood. Most of them are located on Afán de Ribera, the main street, and José María de Pereda street, known by the people of Cerreños as the street “de la plaza”, because the Food Market is located there.

The neighborhood Hytasa Poolhas a Sports Center on Hytasa Avenue that has several covered pavilions, a heated swimming pool, an albero soccer field, an artificial grass soccer field, 12 tennis courts, 4 basketball courts, 2 multi-sport courts for indoor soccer and handball, 2 roller hockey courts (1 indoor and 1 outdoor terrazzo), etc.

Next to the neighborhood we can find the Ribera del Guadaira Park, with 40 hectares of green areas or the Pablo de Olavide University. Within the limits of the neighborhood are also the Ministry of Education and the Territorial Delegation of Education, Culture and Sports.

According to data published by the INE on January 1, 2021, the number of inhabitants in Cerro del Águila was 2,493 more inhabitants than in 2020.